Publication of scientific materials
Conference materials will be issued in the form of a collection of abstracts of reports, advanced versions are presented on electronic media. On the recommendation of the program committee, based on the results of the speech, part of the work will be recommended in the scientific journals of the Russian Federation. Negotiations are underway with the journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the publication of selected articles and with the IOP on the publication of translated articles in the IOP Conference Series proceedings.
Abstracts (abstracts) of reports in the volume of one page can be prepared using the LaTeX system or Microsoft Word editor. An annotation may contain a single figure or table. ParaType family fonts are used. An example of annotation design with a description of the main actions can be seen in the example.pdf file (in Russian). The source example.tex file can be used as a template when preparing annotations in LaTeX. The required Document Class is contained in the multiphase.cls file. To build an example, you will also need a multiphase.pdf file with an illustration. An example of design in the Microsoft Word editor with the description: example.docx (in Russian). This file can also be used as a template. The file already contains ParaType integrated fonts, so there is no need to install them.